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Ancre 1

For an effective human approach

My goal: Make your life easier.

Holder of a bachelor's degree in social work, I worked for 20 years in the Quebec health and social services network as a social worker helping vulnerable clienteles such as the elderly and people with mental illness. I am a member of the Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec (OTSTCFQ). The main mandate of this body is to protect the public, in particular by monitoring the competence and integrity of its members. I therefore invite you to find out more by consulting their website at


During all these years of practice, I was moved to see how family members struggled trying to help their loved ones  facing decreasing independance. With limited resources, social and health workers have no choice but to focus their efforts on urgent cases. 


This is the main reason I founded SÉRÉNITÉ. I wanted to offer advices and support to families taking care of their love ones. My colleagues and I are able to clearly and objectively assess a client situation, his short- and medium-term needs, his ability to remain at home and the services or professional resources necessary to ensure their safety and quality of life. For clients who are facing diminishing autonomy, I offer psychosocial evaluations required for homologation of mandates or protective supervision measures  as well as support for the family members troughout the process.

I have carefully chosen the professionals around me, paying particular attention to their sense of dedication and their human approach. I invite you to consult their short biographies in order to know them better.

Hope to meet you soon.

Annie gagnon

President - Social worker


Permit from the Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec, No GAGA0305291TS

I invite you to meet my team of which I am particularly  proud
for their experience, their approach and hard work.

- Annie Gagnon




Permit from the Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec,

No CRIR1901100TS

An innovative social worker, Rita has always stood out for her concern for providing the best service to her clients. Throughout her professional career, Rita has chosen to take up this challenge by accepting positions aimed at identifying and implementing solutions to improve the management and standards of clinical practices.

With a Masters in Social Work from McGill University, she has extensive experience in quality assurance, client needs analysis and management principles and practices. Her strengths have enabled her to hold the position of Manager of the "Approach adapted to the elderly" project at the McGill University Health Center, designed to raise awareness and equip doctors, professionals, managers and hospital center staff with the phenomenon. iatrogenic functional decline in order to prevent or mitigate it.

With more than 30 years of experience in acute, ambulatory and long-term care services, she is well versed in all facets of the healthcare world. Moreover, her recognized experience has earned her the position of Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner of the University of Montreal Hospital Center (CHUM) for more than 8 years and thus contribute in particular to solving operational problems. internal for waiting lists as well as delays in care and services.


Rita is fluent in French, English and Italian.



Permis de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec, No DUVN1304110TS

Avant de rejoindre l'équipe de SÉRÉNITÉ, Nathalie a occupé le poste de Cheffe de programme au sein de l'Équipe services spécifiques DI TSA DP/CISSSMO, où elle a exercé une gestion clinico-administrative rigoureuse de cette unité multidisciplinaire. Elle a dirigé la coordination des services en évaluant, priorisant et orientant les demandes, gérant efficacement la liste d'attente, et assurant une supervision proactive des professionnels pour garantir la plus haute qualité de services possible. Forte de cette expérience,

Nathalie détient une expertise approfondie de l’offre de services spécifiques et spécialisés aux usagers de 0 à 100 ans présentant des déficiences intellectuelles, des troubles dans le spectre de l'autisme et/ou des déficiences physiques.


Par ailleurs, Nathalie a également assumé la coordination de l'Équipe intervention jeunesse (ÉIJ) au CSSS Suroît, où elle a travaillé à faciliter la concertation entre intervenants issus de diverses organisations du réseau santé et services sociaux. Son parcours inclut également des contributions significatives aux missions du Centre jeunesse Montérégie et du Centre jeunesse Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, où elle a participé activement à des programmes tels que les évaluations des signalements DPJ, les applications des mesures, l'adoption, et la délinquance.


Titulaire d'un Certificat de 2e cycle en management public de l'ENAP, et diplômée en service social de l'Université Laval, Nathalie allie une solide formation académique à une approche proactive et un engagement inébranlable envers la qualité des services. Ces qualités s'alignent parfaitement avec les valeurs fondamentales de SÉRÉNITÉ, faisant d'elle une professionnelle hautement qualifiée et dévouée.


Sarah has a master's degree in social work from the University of Montreal. She has worked as a social worker for almost 10 years. Sarah began her career working mainly with people with intellectual disabilities.

She has also worked as a clinical advisor providing support to clients following disasters and traumatic incidents. Her various assignments allowed her to intervene during crisis and emergency events. Her colleagues recognize her as having an excellent capacity for intervention and decision-making in stressful situations in the interest of victims in exceptional circumstances.

As part of her job at the Gingras Lindsay Rehabilitation Institute of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'île-de-Montréal, Sarah worked mainly with a clientele of adults and seniors who were victims of stroke and other non-traumatic acquired brain injuries. This experience allows her to fully understand the situations experienced by patients who have experienced such incidents.

Sarah is fluent in French, English and Italian.


Permit from the Order of Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec, No LAPS1408070TS



Permis de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux  du Québec, No HOUE1906200TS

Élisabeth est une travailleuse sociale empreinte de compassion qui excelle dans la création de liens de confiance avec des clientèles difficiles. Sa majeure en Enseignement en adaptation scolaire, son impressionnant bagage d’expériences significatives en réinsertion sociale et son expertise en suivi psychosocial auprès de jeunes confrontés aux nombreux défis de la vie font d’elle une intervenante de premier choix. renforce son approche holistique envers cette clientèle.


Dans le cadre de ses mandats de consultation clinique, Élisabeth organise des rencontres de suivi individuel et familial, réalise des visites à domicile, développe des outils efficaces et effectue le suivi psychosocial. Elle travaille également en étroite collaboration avec les organismes communautaires et les programmes du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux.

Élisabeth collabore en tant que personne-ressource avec des partenaires communautaires, institutionnels, et privés. Elle se distingue particulièrement par sa capacité à identifier les problématiques émergentes et à développer des services adaptés aux besoins changeants de la clientèle.

Au cœur de son engagement social, Élisabeth participe à des tables de concertation du milieu, consolidant des partenariats fructueux avec les différents acteurs communautaires ainsi que le Service de Police de l'Agglomération de Longueuil.


Permis de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux  du Québec, No NADM9511240TS

Martin est un travailleur social chevronné avec une passion pour le bien-être, le développement et l'autonomie des usagers. Son approche systémique lui permet de comprendre et de résoudre les problématiques complexes avec une capacité d'analyse et d'intervention remarquable. Doté d'une empathie profonde et d'un respect inébranlable pour la capacité décisionnelle des usagers, il assure un accompagnement personnalisé et respectueux.

Sa connaissance approfondie du réseau de la santé, qu'il s'agisse du secteur public, privé ou communautaire, particulièrement pour la clientèle âgée et adulte ayant une déficience physique, lui permet d'offrir des services adaptés et efficaces. Martin excelle également par son leadership mobilisateur, qu’il a notamment su démontrer dans la gestion d'équipes interdisciplinaires, et ce, même dans les contextes de changement et de fusion d'établissements qui ont eu lieu au sein du réseau public de santé du Québec.

Ayant occupé des postes de travailleur social et de chef de l'administration des programmes au sein des Ressources non institutionnelles d'hébergement pour le CISSS Montérégie-Est, Martin a démontré sa capacité à innover, à mobiliser et surtout obtenir des résultats concrets pour améliorer les services offerts aux usagers.


Stéphane is Partner - Manager of SÉRÉNITÉ. As such, he is responsible for the management, marketing and resources coordination.


For more than 25 years, he has led numerous large-scale communication projects, advertising campaigns as well as visibility and image management programs for major public and private organisations. His in-depth knowledge of the private and public sectors has enabled him to play a highly strategic role with several companies and government organizations.

During his career, Stéphane has held various management positions within public relations agencies, allowing him to master the workings of a service company.


Carolanne joined the SÉRÉNITÉ team as coordinator. Possessing several talents, she provides essential support in all spheres of activity of the company.


Her tasks consist of administrative support and corporate communications. Carolanne carries out the follow-up of files and the document management with collaborators and professionals of SÉRÉNITÉ. She participates in the preparation of content and its distribution mainly on social media.


Carolanne has a strong interest in social work, as such she is still pursuing her university studies to have the opportunity to work as a professional soon.



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