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Homologation of mandate - Legal protective supervision


Experienced professionals

The homologation of a mandate is a  complex process.

The completion of the psychosocial assessment is the cornerstone of this procedure.

These assessments delve into the individual's psychological and social well-being, ensuring that their mandates align with their best interests.


We understand the importance of this process in safeguarding an individual's rights and interests, and we are committed to facilitating it efficiently.

Efficient service

Several experts are involved in the implementation process of protective supervision measures such as notaries, doctors, health and social services professionals.

Benefit from the experience of our specialists that know and deeply understand the Québec Public Health Departement process.

Professionals at SÉRÉNITÉ can rely on adedicated team for efficient technical support in fulfilling their mandate effectively.

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Peace of mind

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Our team of highly experienced professionals are fully aware that your parents should be treated with respect and sensitivity.


Their experience in ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable people in our society gives them an extraordinary ability to establish trustwothy relationship.

 We specialize in conducting comprehensive psychosocial assessments, utilizing our in-depth knowledge and compassionate approach. 

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